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French Cooking Camp June 2021 

Ages: 6-14 


It is with a lot of enthusiasm that I announce that I will be offering two weeks of French Cooking Summer Camp from June 7-11th and June 14th-18th, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at my house. 


The theme will be Manger Autour Du Monde-eating around the world. I will be exploring food from around the world! Food connects people. We may not speak the same language throughout the world, but we have food in common!


Every day of the week, your children and I will be learning about Francophone culture and exploring their food. We will be learning about dishes from all around the world (French Canapés with different types of cheeses, exotic juices from the La Guadeloupe, Crêpes with maple syrup from Québec, Boisson De Fleur D’oranger de l’Algérie, etc. 

I will be covering some basic French vocabulary incorporating song, dance, role play, and fun.


It sounds delicious. Let’s have fun with food and culture!

The fee for the camp is 325$ per child/week.

 Please confirm before April 15st, 2021. I have limited spaces. If I don’t have enough students, I will not be hosting the camp. 


Daily schedule:

9:00-9:30: Arrival and connecting. I will have some stations (sports, arts, board games, music, books, etc.) set up where kids can explore on their own or in a team.

9:35-10:15: Circle time-instruction time in French.

10:20-11:00: Storytime in French, snack, and recess outdoors.

11:10-12:00: Activities related to the theme of the week.

12-10-1:00: Lunch outdoors/picnic and recess outdoors water game or personal time.

1:10-1:20: Quiet time / individual reading time in French.

1:30-2:00: Activities related to the theme of the week/snack French Movie.



What you will need to bring for the camp:

-Contact info for both parents with extra emergency contact and the name of their primary care physician with a phone number.

- Food and allergy chart and medical restrictions-if any.

-Lunch and two snacks every day. One bottle of water.

-Swimming suit (sprinkler water games), towel, and change of clothes all tagged.

-Hats and sunscreen.







  • When: June 7th-11th and June 14th-18th 

  • Ages: 6-14

  • Where: Brentwood (Central Austin)

  • Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

  • Price: $325/week 

  • Register By: April 15, 2021 via email at


  • Payment: Venmo at @Carole-Dostie


Cooking Eggs
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